뷔나에너지는 아시아태평양 지역의 재생 에너지 개발을 선도하는 독립발전사업자(IPP) 기업입니다.
싱가포르에 본사를 두고 호주, 인도, 인도네시아, 일본, 필리핀, 한국, 대만, 태국 등에 진출해있습니다.
현재 총 43GW 규모의 태양광, 풍력, 배터리 에너지 저장장치 프로젝트 등을 개발하고 있습니다.
라틴어로 ‘정맥’을 뜻합니다.
정맥은 여러 노폐물들을 제거한 따뜻한 혈액을 심장에 공급해 신체가 원할하게 기능할 수 있도록 합니다.
정맥처럼 깨끗한 에너지를 세상에 전달하고자하는 의지의 표현입니다.
The three blades of our brand symbol speak of the three pillars that are at the heart of everything that we do and our tireless commitment to contribute towards Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Environment.
Our corporate colours also represent the environments that we are committed to protect, namely land, sky and sea.
Sustainability is at the heart of all that we do at Vena Energy. Inspired by our Latin namesake, Vena Energy aims to become the vessel that accelerates the transition to renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region. We are committed to generating solar energy and wind energy that empowers and enriches local economies and communities.
Vena Energy is a portfolio company of Global Infrastructure Partners, a leading global independent infrastructure fund manager in the energy, transport and water/waste sectors. We take advantage of this scale and experience to deliver low-cost, clean energy for retailers and large energy consumers to support continued economic growth and the preservation of our environment in the Asia-Pacific region.
뷔나에너지는 아태지역을 선도하는 독립발전사업자(IPP)로 싱가포르를 본사를 두고 호주, 인도, 인도네시아, 일본, 필리핀, 대한민국, 대만, 태국에 지사를 두고 있습니다. 43GW 이상을 생산하는 태양광, 풍력, 배터리 에너지 저장장치 자산을 보유하여 운영, 건설, 착공 전 단계, 개발 단계에 있습니다.
Vena Energy’s asset base was first originated in 2012, with our first investments in 10 solar projects across Thailand totalling 92 MW.
Secured a tender to develop Taiwan’s largest solar project
Acquired by Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), CIC Capital Corporation (CIC Capital) and Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments) and rebranded as Vena Energy. Expanded into the South Korean market. In the same year, commenced the construction of the 127MW Tailem Bend Solar Project in Southern Australia
Rebranded as Vena Energy after the acquisition by Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP)